Reducing Your Carbon Footprint
A “carbon footprint” is a measure of the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of green house gases (carbon dioxide, or CO, emitted through the combustion of fossil fuels) their daily activities produce. The concept is meant to be useful for individuals and organizations to understand their impact in contributing to global warming.
This colorful handbook is the world citizen’s guide to pushing back the advance of global warming. Here are 500 practical, easily achievable ideas that conserve energy, prevent pollution, and save money.
Did you know that unplugging appliances and cell phone chargers when not in use can reduce electricity bills by 10 percent?
Or that recycling just one glass bottle saves enough power to run a computer for 30 minutes?
Whether the subject is jet travel, dishwashing, or any of the 50 topics in the book, surprising statistics will inspire action and demonstrate that simple habits can lead to big results.
My goal is for Earth Day to be celebrated EVERY day, so I want to do my part by giving this book to someone. On Sunday at 7pm PST I will pull a name from all the comments on this post and that person will receive their very own copy of this book. The only thing I ask in return is that you share tips in the book with others.
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